Iterative algorithms for a finite family of multivalued quasi-L-Lipschitzian maps (By S. Chebbi, P. Gourdel, H. Hammami, and J. Sun)

Time: 14:00 to  17:00 Ngày 25/10/2016

Venue/Location: C2-714

Speaker: Trần Việt Anh


In this paper, a new iterative algorithm is constructed for  finding a common fixed-point of a family of multivalued quasi-L-Lipschitzian maps. In this context, we used some technical properties of the corresponding sequence and a new approach to prove the main result of this paper about the strong convergence of this algorithm. This result contains principally an analogue result obtained recently for the class of quasi-nonexpasive set-valued maps and in particular some others well known results for some classes of nonlinear multivalued mappings. As application, we prove the existence of Nash equilibrium with quasi-L-Lipschitzian preferences.