Mini – Course: Stationary Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations

Time:08:00:07/11/2022 to  17:00:18/11/2022

Venue/Location: VIASM

Lecturer: Prof. Chérif Amrouche, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France

Time:  November 7 – November 18, 2022 (on Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

Abstract: The object of this course is to study the Laplace equation with a Dirichlet or Neumann condition in a bounded lipschitzian or a C^{1,1} domain. We will be interested on the one hand in questions of maximal regularity and on the other hand, by using the theory of interpolation, in the existence of solutions in fractional Sobolev spaces. Using duality method, we will also study the case of very weak solutions. In a second part, we will study the Stokes problem with different boundary conditions: Dirichlet, Navier, Navier type,... The theory of vector potentials, both in the Hilbertian framework and in the Lp theory, will play an important role in this study. We finish with the Navier-Stokes equations.

Expected participants: The course is suitable for advanced undergraduate, master/PhD students, as well as young researchers in Mathematics and Physics.

Languages: English