IACR-SEAMS School "Cryptography: Foundations and New Directions"

Time:08:30:27/11/2016 to 17:00:04/12/2016
Venue/Location: B4-705, VIASM
Organisers: Nguyen Huu Du (VIASM, Vietnam), Phan Duong Hieu (University of Limoges, France), Le Minh Ha (Hanoi University of Science, VNU-Hanoi, Vietnam), Duong Hoang Dung (Kyushu University, Japan), Ha Tran (Aalto University, Finland)
Invited Speakers: Daniel J. Bernstein (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Phan Thi Ha Duong (Vietnam Institute of Mathematics), Neal Koblitz (University of Washington, Seattle, USA), Tanja Lange (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), David Pointcheval (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France), Phong Q. Nguyen (Japanese-French Laboratory for Informatics, Japan),
Content:We are happy to announce the Autumn School on “Cryptography: Foundations and New Directions”, jointly supported by the International Association for Cryptology Research, The South East Asian Mathematical Society and The Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. The aim of the school is to provide an introduction of the most important technical and theoretical aspects of modern cryptography, with a view toward current developments in the field. Organized by the VIASM and VNU-University of Science, the school is aimed at advanced undergraduate students, graduate students as well as young researchers. The speakers are all leading experts, the lectures are self-contained, and there will be ample time reserved for discussion and questions.
The school will be held just prior to ASIACRYPT, the 22nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology and Information Security. The two events are complementary: the expository lectures given at the school will help participants to develop the background necessary to follow the talks at ASIACRYPT.
There is no registration fee. For young participants from Vietnam and from neighboring countries, we offer several grants to cover travel and accommodation expenses.
If you would like to be a participant, you should register via registration form and send your CV to cryptoschool2016@viasm.edu.vn by November 1, 2016. The registration is free but compulsory.
Selection announcement of participants will be made after November 1, 2016.
The school consists of the following short courses:
1. Mathematical foundations of cryptography.
Lecturers: Phan Thị Hà Dương, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi; Phong Q. Nguyen, Inria, France and CNRS/JFLI and the University of Tokyo, Japan; Neal Koblitz, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
2. Provable Security for Public-Key Schemes.
Lecturer: David Pointcheval, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France.
3. Cryptanalysis of public-key systems.
Lecturer: Tanja Lange, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
4. High-speed cryptography.
Lecturer: Daniel J. Bernstein, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands; and University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Language: English.
Deadline for registration (and sending CV): November 1, 2016.
Deadline for grant applications : September 15, 2016.
If you would like our assistance for your visa to Vietnam, please send a visa form (see more details at the Visa page) with the name “VisaRequest_your name” with a scan of the most important pages of your passport to our school email “cryptoschool2016@viasm.edu.vn”. (We CANNOT process your visa request if you do not provide the information).
Contact: cryptoschool2016@viasm.edu.vn.