Invited Speakers

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Nguyen Van Tam, IPP, France

Van-Tam Nguyen, received the Diplôme d’Ingenieur from CentraleSupelec, the M.Sc. degree in automatic and signal processing from University Paris-Saclay, the graduation degree in image processing from EPFL, Switzerland, in 2000, the Ph.D. degree in communications and electronic from Telecom Paris in 2004, and the H.D.R. degree from University Sorbonne in 2016. He has been at Telecom Paris since 2005, where he is currently Full Professor and Head of computer science and network department (INFRES) and communication and electronic department (COMELEC). He is also Director of the ICMS (Intelligent Cybersecurity for Mobility Systems) Chair, Deputy Director of the LTCI laboratory and member of Research Committee of IP Paris. He was a NICT’s Rank A Guest Researcher, Japan (2012-2013). He has held visiting positions at UC Berkeley (2013-2016) and Stanford (2016-2017). He was director of Intek Institute (2018) and CEO of TAM-AI Co. Ltd (2019-2021). His research interests includes embedded and distributed AI, AIoT, AI for cybersecurity and AI for cognitive sciences. He is the author or co-author of over 100 publications., five patents and one technology transfer. He received a Senior Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission in 2015.

Talel Abdessalem, IPP, France

Talel Abdessalem is a Full Professor at Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Director of the LTCI Research Center and Dean of Research at Télécom Paris. He is also Deputy VP Research at IP Paris. Before taking the responsibility of the LTCI, he held the Big Data and Market Insights Chair at Télécom Paris, led several research actions funded by the French National Research Agency, and participated to several national and European research projects. His main research achievements are on version control (DBPL'97, DocEng'13), change detection and querying of XML documents (BDA'02, CIKM’08), information extraction from the structured web (VLDB’10, ICDE’12), social networks analysis (DBSocial’11, WWW’11, CIKM’12, RSWeb’13), graph data (CJ’18, EDBT’19, CIKM’19, FGCS’20, FI’21), recommender systems (RecSys'13, RecSys'15, RecSys'18, ACM CSUR’21) and predictive analytics (JMLR’18, IJCNN’20, JMLR’22). 

He supervised and co-supervised fourteen Ph.D. students. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Paris Dauphine-PSL University and a Habilitation Degree (HDR) from UPMC-Sorbonne University. 

Phan Duong Hieu, IPP, France (online)  

Nicolas Fabre, IPP, France (online)

Nicolas Fabre eceived his Ph. D. in quantum optics in 2020 at Paris-Cité University at the Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques laboratory under the supervision of Pérola Milman and Arne Keller. His theoretical thesis entitled « Quantum information in time-frequency continuous variables » was realized in collaboration with the experimental group of Sara Ducci. After one year in the group of Konrad Banaszek at the Centre of New Technologies in Warsaw, he followed his postdoctoral studies in the group of Luis Sanchez Soto at University Complutense of Madrid from January to November 2022. Since December 2022, he has been at Telecom Paris in the group of optical telecommunication (GTO) of the laboratory of information processing and communications (LTCI), where he is currently an associate professor . Nicolas Fabre’s main interests are time-frequency quantum information processing, continuous variables quantum key distribution and phase-space methods in quantum optics. Telecom Paris is one of the member of the European consortium Quantum Secure Network Partnership, from which he is one of the coordinator.

Stéphane Bressan, National University of Singapore

Stéphane Bressan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science of the School of Computing (SoC) of the National University of Singapore (NUS). Stéphane is a Track Leader for Maritime Information Technologies at NUS Centre for Maritime Studies (CMS), an Affiliate Professor at NUS Business Analytics Centre and a Faculty Affiliate at NUS Institute of Data Science. He is also a member of the International Research Laboratory on Artificial Intelligence (IPAL) (Singapore-France CNRS IRL 29255). 

In 1990, Stéphane joined the European Computer-industry Research Centre (ECRC) of Bull, ICL, and Siemens in Munich (Germany). In 1994, he was appointed site Leader of the Database Platform project and Principal Investigator and Work-package manager for the European IDEA ESPRIT project on Intelligent Databases. From 1996 to 1998, he was Research Associate at the Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States of America).

Stéphane's research interest is the integration, management, and analysis of data from heterogeneous, disparate, and distributed sources. Stéphane has developed expertise in data- and physics-driven modelling, simulation, and optimisation with data mining and machine learning algorithms.

Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Nguyen Duc Minh, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Duc Minh is currently vice dean of the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Mr. Minh has a master's and doctorate in the field of Digital System Design and Verification. Currently, Mr. Minh teaches in the field of digital system design, digital ICs, and systems-on-chip. His research interest lies in non-von Neumann computing systems for lightweight real-time AI applications.

Nguyen Thanh Binh, VNUHCM University of Science, Vietnam

Than Quang Khoat, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Tran Minh Triet, VNUHCM University of Science, Vietnam

Tran Xuan Tu, VNU Information Institute Hanoi, Vietnam

Xuan-Tu Tran received a B.Sc. degree in 1999 from Hanoi University of Science and a M.Sc. degree in 2003 from Vietnam National University, Hanoi, all in Electronics Engineering and Communications; and a Ph.D. degree in 2008 from Grenoble INP (at the CEA-LETI), France, in Micro Nano Electronics.

He is currently a full professor at Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU), and the Director of VNU Information Technology Institute. He was an invited professor at the University Paris-Sud 11, France (2009, 2010, and 2015), the University of Electro-Communication, Tokyo (2019), Grenoble INP (2011), and adjunct professor at the University of Technology Sydney (2017–2023). He was the Director of the VNU Key Laboratory for Smart Integrated Systems (SISLAB) from 2016 to 2021, Co-Director of the Joint Technology and Innovation, Research Centre (JTIRC, 2017-2020). His research interests include designing and testing systems-on-chips, networks-on-chips, design-for-testability, asynchronous/synchronous VLSI design, low-power techniques, and hardware architectures for multimedia applications. He is in charge of CoMoSy, VENGME, ReSoNoC, IOTA, ADEN4IOT, Secu-IoT, UBGIoT projects for designing HW architectures of embedded systems and multimedia applications. He has published 3 books, 7 patents and more than 120 peer-reviewed publications in these areas.

He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS), IEEE Solid-State Circuits and Systems (SSCS), member of IEICE, and the Executive Board of the Radio Electronics Association of Vietnam (REV). He serves as Chairman of IEICE Vienam Section, Chairman of IEEE SSCS Vietnam Chapter. He also served as general chair/co-chair and technical/organizing committee member for numerous international conferences (MCSoC, ICICDT, ATC, DAC, ICDV, DELTA, GIIS, ICCE, RIVF, APCCAS, ICCD, ICCAS, HP3C, NICS, APCC, ACOMP, CommandTel, ICGHIT...), Editor and reviewer for many pretigous scientific journals such as IEEE JSSC, IEEE TCAS-I/TCAS-II, IEEE TVLSI, JSA, Microprocessors and Microsystems, etc. He won the Second Prize (the 2nd best) of "Vietnamese Talents Award" in 2015 (Giải thưởng Nhân Tài Đất Việt) and the VNU Scientific Award for the period 2011-2016.

Le Hong Phuong, VNU University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phuong Le-Hong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics (MIM), VNU University of Science, Hanoi. He has been the director of the Data Science Laboratory at MIM since 2019. He is also a senior research scientist at FPT Smart Cloud, a member company of FPT Corporation where he leads the natural language processing team of the AI division. He obtained a PhD in computer science at Lorraine Université (France) in 2010. He was a teaching and research assistant at the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL, France) in 2011. His research interests include computational linguistics and big data analytics. His personal home page is at .

Nguyen Quoc Hung , VNU University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam

Dr. Hung Q. Nguyen ( is an experimental physicist who focuses on quantum physics at the nanoscale. After a Bachelor at Vietnam National University Hanoi in condensed matter physics, Dr. Hung studied quantum phase transition between superconductor and insulator at Brown University for his PhD. In 2010, he started his post-doc at Neel Institute, Grenoble, in collaboration with Prof. J. Pekola at Aalto University. Here, he created the most powerful microcooler using superconducting tunnel junctions that reach 30 mK at 1 nW cooling power. His journey in Europe concluded with a 2 years contract at the University of Copenhagen, focusing on measuring topological qubits from a semiconductor-superconductor hybrid nanowire that could host Majorana quasiparticles. In Vietnam, Dr. Hung led research in micro/nano devices at Nano and Energy Center, Hanoi University of Science, VNU. His group fabricates microcoolers that work at room temperature using a thermoelectric effect from telluride-based materials. He is also an active researcher in quantum computing, where he pioneers the use of NISQ computers in demonstrating fundamental phenomena of quantum physics.

Michèle Wigger, IP Paris (online)

Marceau Coupechoux, IP Paris (online)

Dang The Ngoc, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam