VIASM school on Number Theory

Time:08:00:18/06/2018 to 17:00:24/06/2018
Venue/Location: C2-714, VIASM
Content:Announcement for the VIASM school on Number Theory 18-24 June 2018
This is the first announcement for the VIASM school on Number Theory, to be held 18-24 June 2018 at VIASM (Hanoi, Vietnam). If you know of other students / colleagues who may be interested in attending, please do forward them this announcement.
The VIASM school will be held in Hanoi in June 2018. Four courses (5 x 90-minute lectures) will be given by
- Lucia Di Vizio (Versailles, France),
- Federico Pellarin (St-Etienne, France),
- JérômePoineau (Caen, France)
- Lenny Taelman (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
These courses will not only introduce the basic tools, but also present an overview of recent developments of different topics in Number Theory so that the young mathematicians could achieve major breakthroughs in the near future.
We expect that this school will boost the interaction and collaboration between graduate students and researchers in number theory from Vietnam and the neighbouring countries with experts from Europe.
- There is no conference fee.
- If you are interested in attending the conference, please complete the registration form on the website (
Financial support
- We can cover local expenses for all participants.
- Travel support for students from Vietnam and neighboring Asian countries is available.
- If you apply for travel support, please fill out the corresponding section carefully.
The deadline for financial support is 10 May 2018. The deadline for registrations is 30 May 2018.
Best regards,
Bruno Anglès, NgôBao-Châu, NgoDac Tuan, PhungHô Hai