Bài giảng đại chúng "How Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning is Changing Medicine?"

Venue/Location: C2-714, VIASM

Speaker: Prof. Jean-Daniel Zucker

Time:  14:00 - 15:30 Friday, 26/04/2019


Big Data and AI will transform medicine and the patient-doctor relationship. Beyond the electronic medical records, artificial intelligence in general and deep learning in particular are poised to become incredibly influential in the near future.  The catalysts of this announced revolution are the multiplication of "intelligent" sensors (to collect parameters from our environment and our physical condition), the democratization of whole genome sequencing (e.g. genomics and metagenomics), storage capacities and power of computers. Precision medicine is emerging, supporting finer definitions of diseases and more personalised care and treatment. This revolution is accompanied by promises, but also by many questions both for physicians (trust, interpretability of algorithms, ...) and researchers (fairness, statistical, ethical, ...) and for patients (trust, liabaility, compliance). In the context of the emerging new regulations (RPGD) on transparency and fairness of algorithms, understanding their strengths and limitations is essential for physicians, researchers and all citizen-patients.

About speaker: Trained as an aeronautical engineer, Prof. Jean-Daniel Zucker completed a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for life sciences in 1986, which led him to work for three years in the US as an engineer and then as Vice-President R&D of a spinoff at the New England Medical Center (Boston, USA). After a second Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Paris 6 in 1992, he obtained his PhD (Paris, 6) in Machine Learning in 1996 and became an Associate Professor the same year. Appointed Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Paris 13 in 2002. He co-founded the LIM&BIO laboratory for health informatics and bioinformatics at the University of Paris 13. In 2007, he became Research Professor at IRD, the French Institute for Sustainable Development. For the past 5 years, he has been the director of the UMMISCO laboratory of which IRD, Sorbonne University and USTH in particular are co-tutors. In addition, he leads the INTEGROMICS team at the University Hospital Institute (IHU) on cardiometabolic diseases and nutrition (ICAN). His research is in AI and Machine Learning - it concerns the modelling of complex systems and high dimensional predictive analysis applied to health and in particular cardiometabolic diseases. He has co-authored more than 250 conference and journal articles. He has given courses in artificial intelligence and data mining at several universities in France (Sorbonne University, UP13) and abroad (USTH, Vietnam) where he was posted for five years. He has directed 24 PhD students, 20 of whom have already defended and was for ten years the director of the International PhD Program in Complex Systems Modelling of IRD and SU. He is also the co-author of the book "Abstraction in Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems" published in 2013.

Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTBVGm1eiubLCWc6vCe1FD332na9AI0Ptjpr7JHYqY061KQQ/viewform