Workshop on Local Limits for Galton-Watson Trees

Time:08:00:18/06/2018 to  17:00:22/06/2018

Venue/Location: B4-705, VIASM

Organisers: Le Minh Ha (VIASM); Marc Peigne (Fr. Rabelais Tours Univ., France); Jean-Stéphane Dhersin (Paris 13, France); Ngô Hoàng Long (HNUE, Vietnam)

Purpose: The aim of this lecture is to give an overview of old and new results on Galton-Watson trees. After introducing the framework of discrete trees, we first give alternative proofs of classical results on the extinction probability of Galton-Watson processes and on the description of the processes conditioned on extinction or on non-extinction. Then, we study the local limits of critical or sub-critical Galton-Watson trees conditioned to be large. The workshop will bring together international experts and researchers, PhD students, Master or senior students in Vietnam.


Language: English

Registration: For online registration, please go to: :

Deadlines for registration: June 10, 2018.