Mini-course on Mathematics in Environment

Time:09:00:12/11/2019 to 17:00:13/11/2019
Venue/Location: B4-705, VIASM
Organizing Committee
Lê Minh Hà (VIASM/Việt Nam), Nguyễn Hữu Dư (VNU/Việt Nam), Pierre Auger (UMMISCO/IRD/CH Pháp), Tri Nguyen-Huu (UMMISCO/IRD/ CH Pháp), Nguyễn Ngọc Doanh (UMMISCO/IRD/ CH Pháp và ĐH Thuỷ Lợi).
Invited speakers/ Lecturers
- Benoit Gaudou (UMMISCO/IRD and Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, IRIT).
- Nguyen Ngoc Doanh (WARM, UMMISCO, IRD/France and Thuyloi University)
- Tri Nguyen-Huu, UMMISCO, IRD, France
- Pierre Auger, UMMISCO, IRD, France
Objective or Description of the Scientific Content:
In this course, we provide participants with a basic and an advanced introduction to mathematical modeling for environment. Participants will take a series of lectures on application of theory of dynamical systems on ecosystems and bio-economic systems as well as application of computer-based modeling to some urban dynamics (mobility, segregation, evacuation, growth ...). Through this program, we will select some students who are interested in mathematics in environment and has capacities for bachelor, engineer, master and PhD programs.