VMS-SMF Joint Congress
Time:08:30:20/08/2012 to 17:00:24/08/2012
Venue/Location: Hue University
Organisers: Le Tuan Hoa (VIASM, Hanoi), Le Manh Thanh (Hue), Nguyen Tham (Hue), Doan Trung Cuong (IM Hanoi), Tran Dao Dong (Hue), Doan The Hieu (Hue), Le Van Thuyet (Hue), Phan Nhat Tinh (Hue).
Scientific Committee: Jean-Paul Brasselet (Marseille), Marc Bui (EPHE), Patrick Louis Combettes (Paris 6), Nguyen Huu Du (VNU Hanoi), Le Tuan Hoa (VIASM, Hanoi), Phan Quoc Khanh (VNU-Hochiminh city), Ha Huy Khoai (IM Hanoi), Etienne Pardoux (Marseille), Lionel Schwartz (Paris 13), Do Duc Thai (HNUE Hanoi), Michel Zinsmeister (Orléans).
Invited Speakers: Plenary speakers: Ngo Bao Chau (Chicago-Hanoi), Dinh Tien Cuong (Paris 6), Hélène Esnault (Duisburg-Essen), Patrick Gérard (Paris 11), Benedict Gross (Harvard), Nguyen Huu Viet Hung (VNU Hanoi), Jean Bernard Lasserre (Toulouse), Pierre Mathieu (Marseille), Huynh Van Ngai (Qui Nhon), Sylvain Sorin (Paris 6), Ngo Viet Trung (IM Hanoi), Vu Ha Van (Yale), Jean Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France, Paris).
Content:A joint congress of the Vietnam Mathematical Society (VMS) and the French Mathematical Society (SMF) and will take place at the University of Hue from August 20 to August 24, 2012. Hue is a former capital and located in the centre of Vietnam.
The congress will include plenary talks and parallel sessions. It may include a poster session. There will be also talks of general interest, discussions on the cooperation in mathematics between France and Vietnam, and the role of mathematics in the society, in particular the relationship between mathematics and industry.
This congress is organised by VMS, SMF, the University of Hue and VIASM.
- VIASM, University of Hue, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics, National Foundtion for Science & Technology Development (NAFOSTED).
- LIA CNRS Formath-Vietnam, GDRI CNRS Singularity, the program ARCUS MAE-régions IDF/Midi pyrénées
Public lecturer: Pierre Cartier (IHES, Paris)
The conference has 15 Parallel sessions:
Applied Mathematics in Ecology
Chairs: Pierre Auger (IRD, pierre.auger@ird.fr), Nguyễn Hữu Trí (IRD, tri.nguyen-huu@ird.fr)
Commutative algebra
Chairs: Marcel Morales (Grenoble, morales@ujf-grenoble.fr), Ngo Viet Trung (IM Hanoi,
Complex analysis and geometry
Chairs: Dinh Tien Cuong (Paris 6, dinh@math.jussieu.fr), Do Duc Thai, (HNUE Hanoi, ducthai.do@gmail.com), Pascal Thomas (Toulouse, pthomas@cict.fr)
DC Programming and DCA: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Chairs: Le Thi Hoai An (Lorraine, lethi@univ-metz.fr), Pham Dinh Tao (INSA-Rouen, pham@insa- rouen.fr), Nguyen Dong Yen (IM Hanoi, ndyen@math.ac.vn)
Discrete Mathematics (Website of Discrete Mathematics)
Chairs: Phan Thi Ha Duong (IM Hanoi, phan.haduong@gmail.com), Christophe Crespelle
(Orléans, christophe.crespelle@inria.fr)
Geometry and singularities
Chairs: Jean-Paul Brasselet (Marseille, jpb@iml.univ-mrs.fr), Nguyen VietDung (IM Hanoi, vietdung@math.ac.vn)
Mathematical modeling of biological systems
Chairs: Phuong-Anh Nguyen (HUST, nguyen_pa@yahoo.fr), Paul-Henry Cournède (Centrale-INRIA Saclay, paul-henry.cournede@ecp.fr)
Numerical analysis and applied mathematics
Chairs: Laurence Halpern (Paris 13, halpern@math.univ-paris13.fr), Vu Ngoc Phat (IM Hanoi, vnphat@math.ac.vn)
Chairs: Phan Quoc Khanh (VNU-HCM, pqkhanhus@gmail.com), Dinh The Luc (Avignon, dtluc@univ-avignon.fr), Michel Théra (Limoges, Michel.thera@unilim.fr)
Partial Differential Equations
Chairs: Fabrice Planchon (Nice, fab@math.unice.fr), Frédéric Klopp (Paris 6, klopp@math.jussieu.fr), Nguyen Minh Tri (IM Hanoi, triminh@math.ac.vn)
Probability theory
Chairs: Fabienne Castell (LATP, Marseille, castell@cmi.univ-mrs.fr), Nguyen Huu Du (VNU-Hanoi, dunh@vnu.edu.vn), Pierre Mathieu (LATP, Marseille, pierre.mathieu@cmi.univ-mrs.fr)
Real and complex analysis
Chairs: Dinh Thanh Duc (Qui Nhon, dinhthanhduc@gmail.com), Sandrine Grellier (Orléans,
Representation theory
Chairs: Ngo Bao Chau (Chicago-Hanoi, ngo@math.uchicago.edu), Ngo Dac Tuan (Paris 13, ngodac@math.univ-paris13.fr), Phung Ho Hai (IM Hanoi, phung@math.ac.vn)
Stochastic analysis and statistics in finance
Chairs: Pham Huyên (Paris 7, pham@math.jusieu.fr), Nguyen Tien Zung (Toulouse, tienzung@math.univ-toulouse.fr)
Topology, homotopy theory
Chairs: Nguyen Huu Viet Hung (VNU Hanoi, nhvhung@vnu.edu.vn), Lionel Schwartz (Paris 13, Schwartz@math.univ-paris13.fr)
All participants have to register in one of the following websites:
OR write an e-mail to : fvc2012@math.ac.vn , subject : Registration
Deadline: June 15, 2012
For information, see also
View some photos of the congress here.