20th, Feb. (Mon.)
9:30 ~ 9:50 registration
9:50 ~ 10:00 opening ceremony
10:00 ~ 10:45 Hiroo Tokunaga (Tokyo Metropolitan University) On the topology of reducible plane curves
Coffee break
11:15 ~ 12:00 Pham Tien Son (Dalat University) On the subanalytically topological types of function germs
14:00 ~ 14:30 Christophe Eyral (Polish Academy of Sciences) Zariski-van Kampen theorems for singular varieties
14:40 ~ 15:10 Nguyen Viet Dung (VAST)
Coffee break
15:40 ~ 16:10 Pho Duc Tai, Ishikawa Masaharu, Kawashima Masayuki Introduction of research archievements of Prof. Mutsuo Oka.
16:20 ~ 17:05 Oka Mutsuo (Tokyo University of Science) Geometryof mixed weighted homogeneous polynomial and Lens equation
18:30 Dinner
21st, Feb. (Tue.)
9:30 ~ 10:15 Izumiya Shuichi (Hokkaido University) Tougeron's G-equivalence revisited: - Open a new door of applications of Singularity theory -
Coffee break
10:45 ~ 11:30 Ha Huy Vui (VAST) Complex monodromy, Newton polyhedron and asymptotics of the number of eigenvalues of the Schrodinger operator with a polynomial potential
13:30 ~ 14:00 Poster Session
14:00 ~ 14:30 Nabeshima Katsusuke (Tokushima University) Computation method for -sequences of hypersurface isolated singularities
14:40 ~ 15:10 Jean-Paul Brasselet (CNRS Marseille) “What a coincidence” - The lecture provides generalizations of the Lefschetz xed point Theorem for coincidences, in the case of singular varieties -
Coffee break
15:40 ~ 16:25 Shimada Ichiro (Hiroshima University) On an Enriques surface associated with a Hessian quartic surface
22nd, Feb. (Wed.)
9:30 ~ 11:00 Discussion
13:00 ~ 17:00 Excursion