Winter School on Evolution Equations and Applications

Time:09:00:21/11/2019 to 16:30:23/11/2019
Venue/Location: VIASM
Organisers: Lê Minh Hà, Nguyễn Thiệu Huy, Phạm Triều Dương, Bùi Xuân Quang
Purpose: The purpose of this winter school is to introduce some fundamental methods and approaches as well as recent developments in the field of evolution equations and their applications. Main content of the school focuses on the functional and harmonic analytic methods for parabolic equations, fluid flow problems, hyperbolic equations and structural damped waves, as well as asymptotic behavior of certain dynamical systems.
Host institution: Viện Nghiên cứu cao cấp về Toán (VIASM)
Invited Lecturers:
- GS. Matthias Hieber from Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Registration: No registration fees
Language: English