(All the documents are in Vietnamese) 1- Decision on approving the National Program for the Development of Mathematics until 2020 (No. 1483/QD-TTg on 17 August 2010).
2- Description in details of the National Program for the Development of Mathematics until 2020.
3- Decision on the establishment of the Executive Board of the Program (No. 2078/QĐ-BGDĐT on 20 May 2011).
4- Decision on the changes in Chief Executive of the Board (No. 554/QĐ-BGDĐT on 13 February 2012).
5- Decisions on the changes in the Board members (No 1571/QĐ- BGDĐT on 25 April 2012 and No. 1083/QĐ- BGDĐT on 23 March 2013).
6- Regulations on criteria and procedure of selecting high-sschool and college students to grant scholarships (Decision No. 2597/QĐ-BGDĐT on 18 July 2012).
7- Regulations on awarding mathematical research work (Decision No. 4233/QĐ-BGDĐT 9 October 2012).
8- Regulations on selecting mathematical researchers and lecturers for scientific exchange overseas (Decision No. 4234/QĐ- BGDĐT on 9 October 2012).