Public Lecture: “Why is it good to study at the Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau?”
Venue/Location: VIASM Lecture Hall C2
Speaker: Prof. Truong Nguyen Tran
Public Lecture: “Why is it good to study at the Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau?” by Prof. Truong Nguyen Tran , École Polytechnique, France has been taking place at VIASM Lecture Hall C2 this morning, August 3rd, 2013.

The Public Lecture is about Ecole Polytechnique – an elite engineering school in France, and how it stands up in the French education system as well as how is it compared to the best American universities?

The participants are teachers, researchers, Ph.D students and students from various institutions in Hanoi such as Hanoi University of Technology, University of Science – VNU Hanoi, FTP University, Institute of Physics, University Toulouse, CNRS, University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi Law University…
After Prof. Tran’s presentation, there is an exciting discussion among the paticipants about how students can prepare for the entrance examination to the university, the roles of the alumni of the university in France and in Vietnam etc.