Program “Abel Visiting Scholar Program”

“The Abel Visiting Scholar Program” is administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union.

The Niels Henrik Abel Board and the International Mathematical Union invite applications from mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month.

Basic Requirements is applicants must hold a PhD in Mathematics. Applications from women mathematicians are strongly encouraged.

Applications must be received at least four months before the desired starting date. The selection committee will review the applications and award fellowships every four months.

The Selection Committee consists of

- a member chosen by the Abel board

- a member chosen by CDC

- a third member chosen by the IMU EC

The Selection Committee 2013-2016:

1. Ragni Piene (Norway)

2. Srinivasan Kesavan (India)

3. Wandera Ogana (Kenya)

Details about the program:

In case of questions, please contact the CDC Administrator: