VIASM Meeting on Mathematical Aspects of Computer Sciences

Time:08:00:03/12/2021 to 17:00:04/12/2021
Venue/Location: It will be held online or in a hybrid mode.
1. Objective or Description of the Scientific Content:
VMMACS is an annual meeting in VIASM focusing on research in mathematical aspects of computer sciences. It brings together a community of Vietnamese researchers and leading international scientists around the world each year to present and discuss recent research results on applications of mathematics relevant to all areas of computer sciences, including theoretical computer science, coding theory, cryptography and cybersecurity, machine learning and AI. It also creates an opportunity for students in Vietnam to learn from senior researchers and deepen their connection with the community. Hosted by Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, VMMACS 2021 will feature keynote speeches by international scientists and invited speeches by Vietnamese researchers.
2. Organizing Committee
- Lê Minh Hà, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics.
- Nguyễn Hà Nam, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics.
- Mai Anh Tiến, Singapore Management University.
- Nguyễn Tạ Toàn Khoa, University of Wollongong.
- Vũ Văn Khu, National University of Singapore.
3. Keynote speakers:
San Ling - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Recent Constructions of Locally Repairable Codes. Abstract: here
Steven Galbraith - University of Auckland, New Zealand
Some applications of mathematics in cryptography. Abstract: here
4. Invited speakers:
Nguyen Viet Anh - VinAI Research, Vietnam
Robust Recourses under Distributional Ambiguity
Vuong Thuy Duong - Stanford University, USA
Entropic Independence and Its Applications: Optimal Mixing for Glauber Dynamics on Ising models
Nguyen Dinh Chi - FPT, Vietnam
Modulation Codes: Innovation & Application
Ta Duy Hoang - ENS de Lyon, France
Larger Corner-Free Sets from Combinatorial Degenerations and the Symmetric Subrank of Tensors.
Dau Son Hoang - RMIT University, Australia
Private and Efficient Data Retrieval from a Merkle Tree
Le Hung - University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Graph Spanners: the Old, the New, and the Future
Nguyen Ngoc Khanh - IBM, Switzerland
Practical Zero-Knowledge Proofs From Lattices
Truong Vinh Lan - Cambridge University, UK
Replica Analysis of the Linear Model with Markov or Hidden Markov Signal Priors
Hoang Trong Nghia - Amazon, USA
Model Aggregation via Bayesian Nonparametric Methods
Trieu Ni - Arizona State University, USA
Private Matching at Scale
Nguyen Quoc Phong - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Value-at-Risk Optimization with Gaussian Processes
Francesco Sica - Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan
Factoring with Hints
Nguyen Hong Thanh - University of Oregon, USA
Addressing Real-world Societal Challenges: Advanced Game-Theoretic Models and Algorithms.
Nguyen Trung Thanh - Phenikaa University, Vietnam
A PTAS for a class of binary non-linear programs with low-rank functions
Do Xuan Thanh - VGISC, Vietnam
Traceable Inner Product Functional Encryption
Nguyen Tuan Thanh - Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Storing information in DNA: the next data storage revolution
Dao Duc Tu - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Maximum Length of Robust Positioning Sequences
5. Registration: here
Deadline: 29/11/2021
6. Language: English/ Vietnamese
7. Contact: Bui Viet Chinh, email:
8. Expected participants and requirements for participants: Students, PhD students, scientists at universities, research institutes, and representatives from R&D centers in government and business sectors. .