Phan Nhat Tinh,
On optimality conditions for nonsmooth vector problems in normed spaces via generalized Hadamard directional derivatives (Posted on 12 29, 2016)
Ha Huy Bang,
Vu Nhat Huy,
Local spectral formula for integral operators on $l_p(T)$ (Posted on 12 27, 2016)
Tran Vu Khanh,
Andrew Raich,
The kohn-laplace equation on abstract cr manifolds: global regularity (Posted on 12 27, 2016)
Tran Vu Khanh,
The kohn-laplace equation on abstract cr manifolds: local regularity (Posted on 12 27, 2016)
Dinh Dung,
B-spline quasi-interpolation sampling representation and sampling recovery in Sobolev spaces of mixed smoothness (Posted on 12 21, 2016)
Dinh Dung,
Linear collective collocation and Galerkin approximations for parametric and stochastic elliptic PDEs (Posted on 12 21, 2016)
Doan Trung Cuong,
Pham Hong Nam,
Pham Hung Quy,
Saturated hilbert polynomial of ideals in local rings (Posted on 12 21, 2016)
Pham Viet Hung,
Conjunction probability of smooth centered Gaussian processes (Posted on 12 21, 2016)
L.Q. Thuy,
P.K. Anh,
L.D. Muu,
T.N. Hai,
Novel Hybrid Methods for Pseudomonotone Equilibrium Problems and Common Fixed Point Problems (Posted on 11 22, 2016)
Dang Van Hieu,
Le Dung Muu,
Pham Ky Anh,
Parallel hybrid extragradient methods for pseudomonotone equilibrium problems and nonexpansive mappings (Posted on 11 22, 2016)
Jean-Marc Azais,
Pham Viet Hung,
Conjunction probability of smooth stationary Gaussian fileds (Posted on 12 21, 2016)
Dang Van Hieu,
Pham Ky Anh,
Le Dung Muu,
Modified hybrid projection methods for finding common solutions to variational inequality problems (Posted on 11 22, 2016)
Jurgen Angst,
Viet-Hung Pham,
Guillaume Poly,
Universality of the nodal length of bivariate random trigonometric polynomials (Posted on 12 21, 2016)
Pham Ky Anh,
Dang Van Hieu,
Parallel Hybrid Iterative Methods for Variational Inequalities, Equilibrium Problems, and Common Fixed Point Problems (Posted on 11 22, 2016)
Pham Ky Anh,
Trinh Ngoc Hai,
Splitting extragradient-like algorithms for strongly pseudomonotone equilibrium problems (Posted on 11 22, 2016)
Pham Ky Anh,
Tran Viet Anh,
Le Dung Muu,
On Bilevel Split Pseudomonotone Variational Inequality Problems with Applications (Posted on 11 22, 2016)
Ly Kim Ha,
On the global Lipschitz continuity of the Bergman Projection on a class of convex domains of infinite type in $C^2$ (Posted on 11 22, 2016)
D. Q. Khai,
T. T. Duong,
On the initial value problem for the navier-stokes equations with the initial datum in the sobolev spaces (Posted on 11 02, 2016)
Nguyen Huu Viet Hung; Geoffrey Powell,
The a -decomposability of the singer construction (Posted on 11 02, 2016)
Tran Nguyen An,
Primary decomposition of homogeneous ideal in idealization of a module (Posted on 11 02, 2016)
Tran Nguyen An,
On some properties of artinian modules and applications (Posted on 11 02, 2016)
Dinh Dung,
Vladimir Temlyakov,
Tino Ullrich,
Hyperbolic Cross Approximation (Posted on 10 06, 2016)
Dinh Dung,
Charles A. Micchelli,
Dr. Vu Nhat Huy,
Approximation by translates of a single function of functions in space induced by the convolution with a given function (Posted on 09 26, 2016)
Ngo Quoc Anh,
On the sub poly-harmonic property for solutions of $-(\Delta)^pu<0$ in $R^n$ (Posted on 09 26, 2016)
Ly Kim Ha,
On a boundary gevrey regularity of the caushy transform and Henkin operator on weakly pseudoconvex domains in $C^2$ (Posted on 09 26, 2016)
Ha Duy Hung,
Luong Dang Ky,
Thai Thuan Quang,
Weighted calderón maximal operators on hardy spaces of the half-plane (Posted on 08 30, 2016)
Ha Duy Hung,
Luong Dang Ky,
Thai Thuan Quang,
Weighted averaging operators on holomorphic hardy spaces and applications (Posted on 08 30, 2016)
V. T. N. Anh,
L. V. Thanh,
N. T. Thuy,
On Generalizations of Maximal Inequalities for Double Arrays of Independent Random Elements in Banach Spaces (Posted on 08 30, 2016)
Nam-Ky Nguyen,
Ron S. Kenett,
Tung-Dinh Pham,
D-efficient DSD-augmented designs for experiments with mixed-Level factors (Posted on 07 22, 2016)
Nguyen Xuan Hong,
Tran Van Thuy,
Holder continuous solutions to the complex Monge-Ampère equations in unbounded domains (Posted on 07 22, 2016)
Nguyen Van Trao,
Hoang Viet,
Nguyen Xuan Hong,
Approximation of plurifinely plurisubharmonic functions (Posted on 07 22, 2016)
Nguyen H. V. Hung,
Geoffrey Powell,
The A-decomposability of the singer construction (Posted on 07 22, 2016)
Dinh Si Tiep,
Krzysztof Kurdyka,
Pham Tien Son,
Global mixed lojasiewicz inequalities and asymptotic critical values (Posted on 07 22, 2016)
Prof. Phan Quoc Khanh (for the term 2014-2018),
Nguyen Minh Tung,
Second-Order Conditions for Q-Minimizers and Firm Minimizers in Set-Valued Optimization subject to Mixed Constraints (Posted on 06 21, 2016)
Luu Huu Van,
Vincent F. Yu,
Luu Quoc Dat,
Shuo Yan Choua,
An extension of fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for supplier segmentation (Posted on 06 21, 2016)
Linquan Ma,
Pham Hung Quy,
Frobenius actions on local cohomology modules and deformation (Posted on 06 09, 2016)
Ha Huy Vui,
Nguyen Thi Thao,
Newton polygon and distribution of integer points in the semialgebraic |f(x,y)| < r (Posted on 05 27, 2016)
Ninh Van Thu,
Nguyen Ngoc Khanh,
A note on uniqueness boundary of holomorphic mappings (Posted on 05 16, 2016)
Ha Huy Bang,
Vu Nhat Huy,
Paley-Wiener theorem for functions in $L_p (R^n )$ (Posted on 05 16, 2016)
Nguyen Ky Nam,
Pham Dinh Tung,
Small Mixed-Level Screening Designs with Orthogonal Quadratic Effects (Posted on 05 16, 2016)
Aline Bonami,
Justin Feuto,
Sandrine Grellier,
Luong Dang Ky,
Atomic decomposition and weak factorization in generalized hardy spaces of closed forms. (Posted on 05 11, 2016)
Ngo Quoc Anh,
Nguyen Van Hoang,
Sharp Adams-Moser-Trudinger type inequalities in the hyperbolic space (Posted on 05 11, 2016)
Vincent F. Yu,
Luu Huu Van,
Luu Quoc Dat,
Ha Thi Xuan Chi,
Shuo-Yan Chou,
Truong Thi Thuy Duong,
Analyzing the ranking method for fuzzy numbers in fuzzy decision making based on the magnitude concepts (Posted on 04 27, 2016)
N. N. Tam and T. V. Nghi,
On the Solution Existence and Stability of Quadratically Constrained Nonconvex Quadratic Programs (Posted on 04 25, 2016)
Nguyen Xuan Hong and Hoang Viet,
Local property of maximal plurifinely plurisubharmonic functions (Posted on 04 25, 2016)
V. V. Dong and N. N. Tam,
On the Solution Existence of Nonconvex Quadratic Programming Problems in Hilbert Spaces (Posted on 04 25, 2016)
Ha Huy Vui,
Nguyen Thi Thao,
Newton polyhedron and asymptotic of eigenvalues of the Schrodinger operator with polynomial potential (Posted on 04 15, 2016)
Truong Xuan Duc Ha,
Slopes, error bounds and weak sharp pareto minima of a vector-valued map (Posted on 04 13, 2016)
Nguyen Quoc Son,
Quasi-static response, implicit scheme and incremental problem in gradient plasticity (Posted on 04 13, 2016)
Dinh Si Tiep and Pham Tien Son,
Lojasiewicz inequalities with explicit exponent for smallest singular value functions (Posted on 04 08, 2016)
Pham Hoang Hiep,
Log canonical thresholds and Monge-Amère masses (Posted on 04 08, 2016)
Pham Tien Son,
Truong Xuan Duc Ha and Jen-Chih Yao,
The global weak sharp minima with explicit exponents in polynomial vector optimization problems (Posted on 03 29, 2016)
Trang T. Du,
Ho Minh Toan and Hong T. Nguyen,
Algebra of polynomials bounded on a closed semin-algebraic set [f<r] (Posted on 03 29, 2016)
Ha Huy Vui,
Computation of the Lojasiewicz exponent for a germ of a smooth function in two variables (unpublished notes) (Posted on 03 23, 2016)
Ngo Quoc Anh,
On a non-existence result for Einstein constraint-type systems with non-positive Yamabe constant (Posted on 03 23, 2016)
On tangent cones at infinity of algebraic varieties (Posted on 03 09, 2016)
A.S.Mishchenko and Leanh Nguyen, Some results on the Mackenzie obstruction for transitive Lie algebroids (Posted on 02 25, 2016)
Vladimir Manuilov, A finitedimensional version of fredholm representations (Posted on 02 25, 2016)
Th.Yu.Popelensky, Hermitian algebraic K–theory, Wagoner complex, and the root system D (Posted on 02 24, 2016)
G.Sharygin, Deformation quantization and vector fields (Posted on 02 24, 2016)
Hai Long Dao and Pham Hung Quy,
Hai Long Dao and Pham Hung Quy, On the associated primes of local cohomology (Posted on 02 02, 2016)
Do Ngoc Diep,
Do Ngoc Diep, On the twisted KK-theory and positive scalar curvature problem (Posted on 01 26, 2016)
Phạm Hùng Quý,
Kazuma Shimomoto,
Phạm Hùng Quý, Kazuma Shimomoto, F-injectivity and Frobenius closure of ideals in Noetherian rings of characteristic p>0 (Posted on 01 26, 2016)
Do Ngoc Diep,
Do Hoang Giang and Nguyen Van Minh,
Quantum Gauss-Jordan Elimination and simulation of accounting principles on quantum computers (Posted on 01 12, 2016)
L. V. Thanh,
N. T. Thuy,
On Complete Convergence in Mean for Double Sums of Independent Random Elements in Banach Spaces (Posted on 08 30, 2016)