
The Ceremony of Granting Mathematical Research Awards 2012 and Student Scholarships for the school-year 2012-2013

The Ceremony of Granting Mathematical Research Awards 2012 and Student Scholarships for the school-year 2012-2013 has taken placed at Ta Quang Buu Library Building, Hanoi University of Science and Technology on May 5, 2013. This is the first time the annual event is held in the scheme of the "National Program for the Development of Mathematics until 2020" (NPDM).

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Prof. Pierre Deligne has won the 2013 Abel Prize

The Abel Prize, awarded by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, recognizes contributions of extraordinary depth and influence to the mathematical sciences and has been awarded annually since 2003.

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Prof. Ngo Bao Chau’s IPF Bridges Schedule in Vietnam

Professor Ngô Bảo Châu is a Vietnamese mathematician at the University of Chicago who was awarded the Fields Medal in 2010 and who is best known for proving the fundamental lemma for automorphic forms proposed by Robert Langlands and Diana Shelstad.

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The 3rd announcement for AMC 2013

Participants interested in presenting contributed talks or posters are requested to submit their abstracts in electronic form through online submission system before March 11, 2013.

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Spring School “Analysis and approximation in optimization under uncertainty” has opened

Being financially supported by Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) and National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), Spring School “Analysis and approximation in optimization under uncertainty” has opened at 9:00 today, 18 February 2013 at VIASM.

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The Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) Fellowship Program

The Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) Fellowship Program, funded by the U.S. Government, brings Vietnamese nationals to the United States for graduate degree programs on the sciences (natural, physical, and environmental), technology,....

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