
Mini-course “Analysis of Incompressible Fluid Flows: an Approach via Evolution Equations”

Mini-course “Analysis of Incompressible Fluid Flows: an Approach via Evolution Equations” given by Prof. Matthias Hieber (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany) at Vietnam Institute for Advaced Stdudy in Mathematics (VIASM) on October 22nd, 2015.

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Mini-course “Homology decompositions and applications”

The first lecture of the mini-course “Homology decompositions and applications” given by Prof. Jean Lannes – Paris 7 (Université Paris Diderot) in the afternoon of Tuesday October 6, 2015. From the next week (from Monday October 12, 2015), Prof. Jean Lannes will give lectures on Monday (9:00 – 11:00) and Thursday (14:00 – 15:30) every week (two lectures a week). All the lectures will be at VIASM Lecture Hall B4-705, VIASM.

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VIASM Annual Meeting 2015

VIASM Annual Meeting 2015 has opened on August 22, 2015. This annual event of VIASM is following Bourbaki seminars and this is the fouth in the Insitute series (since 2012).

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Summer School “Non-Smooth Mechanics”

The Summer School “Non-Smooth Mechanics” has organized at VIASM on June 8, 2015. The objective of this summer school is to present some recent developments in the thermo-mechanical modeling of materials and structures. New mathematical and numerical approaches are discussed and illustrated by various applications in the framework of Plasticity and Fracture.

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The PICS IMEA Mini-Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems

The PICS IMEA Mini-Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems has organized at VIASM on May 26, 2015.

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Mini-course on probabilistic tools for statistics

The mini-course on probabilistic tools for statistics, taught by Prof. Xavier Bressaud (Institute of Mathematic, Toulouse University, France) has organized at VIASM on May 18, 2015. This course is one of the activities of the series on Probability and Statistics at VIASM in 2015 and it lasts until May 21.

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