
International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications

On April 15, 2018, the International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications opened at the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM). The conference is organized by the VIASM, the Hanoi University of Science and Technology and the Institute of Mathematics - VAST.

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7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing

The 7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing taking place at the building of Ta Quang Buu Library from March 19 until March 23, 2018.

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International Workshop “Mathematical Optimization Theory and Applications”

This morning, January 18 th 2018, in cooperation with Institute of Mathematics (VAST) and Hanoi University of Pedagogy 2, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) opened the International Workshop “Mathematical Optimization Theory and Applications”.

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VIASM invites new research fellowship application for 2019

Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) invites research groups and individuals to apply for short-term research stays for the year 2019 (min. 2 months, max. 12 months). Candidates can be groups or individuals who are teaching, doing research as well as applying mathematics in various areas of technology, economics and society. The candidates will be evaluated by the Scientific Council of the Institute.

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Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Applications

The workshop Partial Differential Equations and Applications took place at VIASM on October 4, 2017. The aim of this workshop was to create a forum for Vietnamese experts in PDEs to exchange new ideas and results. There was a special session of the Workshop devoted to Professor Nguyen Manh Hung’s 60th birthday.

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LSAM 2017: Control of nonlinear systems

The second lectures of LSAM 2017: “Control of nonlinear systems” by Prof. Jean-Michel Coron (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France) was held on Monday, August 14, 2017. There were about 40 participants on the first day of the course. The course will be continued in the morning of August 15 & 18, 2017.

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