
Khóa học ngắn hạn về “Hôn nhân bền vững”

Ngày 15-16/01/2016, tại Viện Nghiên cứu cao cấp về Toán, GS Vũ Hà Văn (ĐH Yale, Mỹ) đã giới thiệu hai bài giảng về những lý thuyết phát triển xung quanh chủ đề “hôn nhân bền vững”, bao gồm việc chứng minh sự tồn tại (duy nhất theo nghĩa Gale-Shapley) của trạng thái bền vững, những ưu điểm và hạn chế của thuật toán Gale-Shapley trong ứng dụng thực tế với dữ liệu ngẫu nhiên, bài giảng cũng xét tới trường hợp các cô gái có thể “hợp tác” để đưa tới một trạng thái bền vững “tốt hơn” cho họ.

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SEAMS Schools 2016

Since 2011 SEAMS Schools are organized in SEAMS member-countries. This series of SEAMS schools of various topics is supported by CIMPA to provide an opportunities for graduate students to learn advanced topics in Mathematics as well as to meet experts in the fields. There will be 7 SEAMS schools in 2016 which will be listed below (alo see In each school there will be a number of grants. Graduate students and young lecturers are encouraged to apply to get financial support to participate in the school. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for conducting a SEAMS school in 2017, then you can submit your proposal for conducting a 2017 SEAMS School to Dr. Intan Muchtadi (, and cc to Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro ( before September 30th, 2016. The decision will be made on November 10th, 2016.

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Mini-course “Analysis of Incompressible Fluid Flows: an Approach via Evolution Equations”

Mini-course “Analysis of Incompressible Fluid Flows: an Approach via Evolution Equations” given by Prof. Matthias Hieber (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany) at Vietnam Institute for Advaced Stdudy in Mathematics (VIASM) on October 22nd, 2015.

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Mini-course “Homology decompositions and applications”

The first lecture of the mini-course “Homology decompositions and applications” given by Prof. Jean Lannes – Paris 7 (Université Paris Diderot) in the afternoon of Tuesday October 6, 2015. From the next week (from Monday October 12, 2015), Prof. Jean Lannes will give lectures on Monday (9:00 – 11:00) and Thursday (14:00 – 15:30) every week (two lectures a week). All the lectures will be at VIASM Lecture Hall B4-705, VIASM.

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VIASM Annual Meeting 2015

VIASM Annual Meeting 2015 has opened on August 22, 2015. This annual event of VIASM is following Bourbaki seminars and this is the fouth in the Insitute series (since 2012).

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Summer School “Non-Smooth Mechanics”

The Summer School “Non-Smooth Mechanics” has organized at VIASM on June 8, 2015. The objective of this summer school is to present some recent developments in the thermo-mechanical modeling of materials and structures. New mathematical and numerical approaches are discussed and illustrated by various applications in the framework of Plasticity and Fracture.

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