Lectures on Reliability Analysis of Repairable Systems

Thời gian: 09:00 đến 12:00 ngày 24/07/2017, 14:00 đến 17:00 ngày 25/07/2017, 09:00 đến 12:00 ngày 26/07/2017, 14:00 đến 17:00 ngày 27/07/2017, 09:00 đến 12:00 ngày 28/07/2017,

Địa điểm: VIASM

Mục đích: In these lectures, we will give an introduction of Reliability Analysis of repairable and non repairable systems. The probabilistic modeling as well as the statistical inference will be studied. The recent developments about maintenance efficiency will also be presented.

Báo cáo viên: Jean-Yves Dauxois, INSA-IMT University of Toulouse, France.

Tóm tắt:




• Failure Models and Lifetime Data Analysis: Inferential Statistic and Bayesian Analysis

• Analysis of Structure System and Reliability of Systems with Independent Components

• Repairable Systems: Markov modeling, Counting process approach

• Models of Maintenance


• Probability.

• Inferential Statistics.

• Some knowledge on Lifetime Data Analysis and Markov Processes would be helpful.


• O’Connor, P. and Kleyner, A. (2012). Practical Reliability Engineering, 5th Edition. Wiley

• Rausand, M. and Høyland, A. (2004). System Reliability Theory: Models, Statistical Methods, and Applications, Wiley.

Lectures on Advanced Regression Methods (Vincent Lefieux, RTE Paris, France).