Welcome message

Welcome message of the Vietnam Mathematics Society

In June 10-14, 2019, the Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting will be organized under the patronage of the American Mathematical Society and the Vietnamese Mathematical Society in the city of Quy Nhon, Vietnam. 

Quy Nhon is a coastal city in the center of Vietnam marked with history, home of cherished vestiges of the Cham civilization and in the vicinity of the birthplace of Quang Trung, a national hero who lived and died in the historical period when Vietnam as a country was attaining its current shape. 
May this joint meeting be a forum for a rich exchange of ideas, an occasion to strengthen existing cooperations between our mathematical communities and a catalyzer for new ideas, new cooperations. 

On behalf of the Vietnamese Mathematics Society, I would like to extend the warmest welcome to our American colleagues and wish you a good stay in Vietnam.

Ngô Việt Trung

President of the Vietnam Mathematical Society

Website of Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting: http://vnus2019.viasm.edu.vn/