VIASM school on Number Theory

The VIASM school on Number Theory will be held in Hanoi from 18 to 24 June 2018.

Four courses will be given by leading experts in Europe:

  • Lucia Di Vizio (Versailles, France),
  • Federico Pellarin (St-Etienne, France),
  • Jérôme Poineau (Caen, France)
  • Lenny Taelman (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

These courses will not only introduce the basic tools, but also present an overview of recent developments of different topics in Number Theory so that the young mathematicians could achieve major breakthroughs in the near future.

The school will receive financial supports from VIASM, Institute of Mathematics (Vietnam), ERC Starting Grant TOSSIBERG, Institut Henri Poincaré, Foundation Compositio Mathematica, ANR PerCoLaTor and CNRS (GDR Structuration de la théorie des nombres).

We expect that this school will boost the interaction and collaboration between graduate students and researchers in number theory from Vietnam and the neighboring countries with experts from Europe.

Photo of School:



