Mathematics in South Korea and the Vietnam - South Korea cooperation in Mathematical Sciences

Thời gian: 14:00 đến 17:00 Ngày 06/12/2022
Địa điểm: The Laurent Schwartz Lecture Hall, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), 157 Chua Lang Str., Lang Thuong, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi.
South Korea has experienced enormous economic growth over the last 50 years and is now the world’s 10th largest economy. This growth was driven by the enthusiasm and respect for higher education that Korean people hold dear to their heart, at the center of which is mathematics.
In spite of a relatively short history in modern mathematics, Korea achieved remarkable growth in mathematics, aided by the passion for education, unprecedented economic development, and considerable support from the government. Achievements that are particularly noteworthy: 15 Korean ICM speakers since 2006, the unprecedented upgrade from IMU Group II to Group IV in 2007, the successful hosting of Seoul ICM 2014, the increase in SCIE publications during 2007-2020 by more than 100%, SCIE publications per capita that would rank as the 8th among IMU Group V countries, countless international conferences covering a wide range of modern mathematics, and continuously outstanding performances at IMOs that signals a bright future of mathematics in Korea.
In July 2022, at the International Congress of Mathematicians, June Huh, a distinguished professor at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study and a professor at Princeton University, was awarded the Fields Medal, the greatest possible honour for a mathematician to receive.
In this special event hosted by the Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics, jointly organized by the Vietnam Mathematical Society and the Korean Mathematical Society, we will learn about this remarkable achievement of South Korea Mathematics and discuss further cooperation between Vietnam and South Korea in mathematical sciences.
- Ngo Bao Chau (University of Chicago – VIASM),
- Le Minh Ha (VIASM)
- Vũ Hoàng Linh (VNU University of Science, Hanoi)
Invited Speakers:
- Jonghae Keum, President of the Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) and professor at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS).
- Hyunmin Kim, President of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS) and professor at Pusan National university.
- Ngo Viet Trung, President of Vietnam Mathematical Society and professor at the Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
Languages: English
Mode of participation: Hybrid (Local participants from Hanoi area are encouraged to attend onsite)
Contact: Email to
Further reading