VIASM-ICTP Summer school on Quantum Topology and Hyperbolic Geometry

Thời gian: 08:00:09/06/2025 đến 17:00:13/06/2025
Địa điểm: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi
Time: June 09-13, 2025
Venue: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi, Vietnam
The goal of this conference and school is to introduce graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, young researchers, and interested mathematicians in Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and other countries in Asia, to basics of quantum topology and its connection to many branches of mathematics, including low-dimensional topology, representations of quantum groups, combinatorics, and in particular hyperbolic geometry. It will also introduce the audience to applications of quantum topology to various areas of mathematics.
Host and Co-host institution:
- The conference is organised by Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute.
- Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM)
- Institute of Mathematics, VAST (IMH)
- French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
- In partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI)
- The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Organizing committee:
- Le Minh Ha, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Vietnam
- Stavros Garoufalidis, SUSTech International Center for Mathematics, Shenzhen, China
- Vu The Khoi, Institute of Mathematics, VAST
- Thang Le, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Adam Sikora, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Principal lecturers:
- Francis Bonahon, University of Southern California, USA.
- Francois Costantino, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
- Stavros Garoufalidis, SUSTech International Center for Mathematics, Shenzhen, China.
- Ingrid Irmer, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
- Ciprian Manolescu, Stanford University, USA.
Clay lecturer:
- Ciprian Manolescu, Stanford University, USA.
The program consists of two parts: the conference “Quantum Topology and Hyperbolic geometry”, which will be held from June 2 to 6, 2025, followed by the summer school from June 9 to 13, 2025. The conference will be held in Phu Quoc island, Vietnam. For more details about the conference, please click Here
The summer school would feature 5 minicourses (around five hours each) and 3-4 problem sessions. The morning minicourses will be accompanied by afternoon brainstorm sessions.
Registration and financial support: There is no fee to attend the summer school. For young participants from Vietnam we offer several grants to cover travel and accommodation expenses. Participants from abroad are welcome but due to limited budget, we cannot guarantee full financial support.
For information, please refer to the details provided on page “Registration” in the left menu.
However, there is a 150 USD fee for the conference in Phu Quoc.
Language: English.
Deadline for registration and financial support: March 31, 2025