VIASM - ICTP Summer School on Differential Geometry

Thời gian: 09:00:14/08/2023 đến 17:00:25/08/2023
Địa điểm: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM)
- International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
- This school is organized in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute.
- This school was supported by a grant from the IMU-CDC Conference Support Program, which is partially supported by the Abel Board.
- Le Minh Ha (Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics)
- Nguyen Thac Dung (Vietnam National University, Hanoi)
- Tran Thanh Hung (Texas Tech University, USA)
- Claudio Arezzo (ICTP, Italy)
Brainstorm Session:
- Timothy Buttsworth, University of Queensland, Australia
- Nguyen Thac Dung, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- Nguyen Minh Hoang, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- Tran Thanh Hung, Texas Tech University, USA
Principal Lecturers:
- Brian Allen, CUNY Lehman College, USA
- Claudio Arezzo, ICTP, Italy
- Andre Neves, University of Chicago, USA
- Artem Pulemotov, University of Queensland, Australia
- Guofang Wei, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
Clay lecturer
- Andre Neves, University of Chicago, USA
- Timothy Buttsworth, University of Queensland, Australia
The school gives an ideal platform for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and early-career mathematicians to learn the basics of differential geometry in close connection with recent breakthrough developments. Concrete topics include Kähler geometry, Ricci curvature, geometric convergence, and minimal surfaces.
Differential geometry is among the most important fields in mathematics and physics. Indeed, J. Douglas was awarded the first Fields Medal for his remarkable contribution to the study of minimal surfaces in Euclidean space. Around that time, T. Rado, E. Cartan, and others also obtained significant breakthroughs and results that today bear their names. Today the field is as exciting, vibrant, and fruitful as ever. In particular, the recent resolutions of Willmore’s and Lawson's conjectures bring new insights and resuscitate old techniques, broadening the vision for humankind to enjoy. This summer school would allow experts in the field to gather, share ideas, and pass on their knowledge to the next generations.
Language: English
Deadline for registration: March 31, 2023
Registration link: