Buổi 2

Time: 14h30 - 16h30, Tuesday November 7, 2023

Place: room B102, VIASM

Speaker: Dr. Lê Văn Tứ

Title: Introduction to complex dynamics: from ”critical” point of view

Abstract: This is the second talk of a series of two talks. In this talk, I will start by recalling the basics notions of periodic cycles, eigenvalues along a periodic cycle of a rational maps (i.e. a holomorphic endomorphism of CP^1). Then I will introduce some basic definitions related to the dynamical system enduced by a holomorphic endomorphism of CP^n with n ≥ 2 , and the notion of post-critically finite for such endomorphisms. I will present several ways to construct a post-critically finite endomorphisms and I will focus on the Koch’s construction. The main objective is to prove the conjecture for case of Koch maps.