Trường SEAMS - Mô hình toán học trong sinh học

Thời gian: 09:00:08/03/2017 đến 17:45:15/03/2017
Địa điểm: C2-714
Ban tổ chức: Nguyen Huu Du (VIASM), Nguyen Trung Hieu (HUS), Nguyen Ngoc Phan (HUS), Tran Tat Dat (Max Planck Institute, VIASM), Nguyen Trong Hieu (HUS)
Mục đích: This school is aimed to provide foundations of Mathematical Modelling in Biology, and to introduce some problems of the subject which are currently in the field of intensive research. The school is addressed to senior undergraduate students, graduate students, PhD students and researchers who care about this topic, especially applicants from Southeast Asia, Asia. The school is expected to accommodate students with basic knowledge of the subject which will be necessary for further study, and the chance for the young researchers to meet professors from leading research institutions to learn about the opportunities to apply for the scholarships to persuade their PhD education in mathematics.
Báo cáo mời: 1. Hien Tran, North Carolina State University (Course M1: Mathematical Modeling Techniques for Biological Systems); 2. Marc Peigne, Université François Rabelais (Course M2: Branching Processes); 3. Thanh Ha Do, Hanoi University of Science, VNU-Hanoi (Course M3: Octave); 4. Tat Dat Tran, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Course M4: An introduction to mathematical population genetics); 5. Fugo Takasu, Nara Women’s University (Course M5: Individual-based modeling of population dynamics).
Cơ quan tổ chức: Vietnam Institution for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University (HUS-VNU)
Nhà tài trợ: CIMPA, VIASM, HUS-VNU
Đăng ký:
+ Deadline for registration (and sending CV): February 25, 2017
+ Deadline for grant applications: February 5, 2017
+ Notification for grant: February 10, 2017
+ Deadline for sending visa form: February 15, 2017
Notes: If you would like our assistance for your visa to Vietnam, please send a visa form (see more details at the Visa page) with the name “VisaRequest_your name” with a scan of the most important pages of your passport to our school email “”. (We CANNOT process your visa request if you do not provide the information)
Ngôn ngữ chính trong workshop: English
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