Invited speaker

Ulrike Tillmann, University of Oxford, UK

Ulrike Tillmann FRS has worked broadly in topology, K-theory, and non-commutative geometry. Her work on the moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces and manifolds of higher dimensions has been inspired by problems in quantum physics and string theory, while new challenges in data science have motivated some of her recent work. 

After finishing school in Germany, Tillmann went to Brandeis University as a Wien International Scholar and studied for her PhD with Ralph Cohen at Stanford University. She then worked with Graeme Segal at Cambridge University before she took a position in Oxford where she has been a professor since 2000. Currently, she  is  Director of the Isaac Newton Institute and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.

Tillmann was awarded the Whitehead Prize by the London Mathematical Society in 2004 and the Bessel-Humboldt Forschungs Preis in 2008. She was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 2008, an inaugural fellow of the American Mathematical Society in 2012, and a member of the Leopoldina in 2017. She has been a founding fellow of the Alan Turing Institute and is co-director of the Centre for Topological Data Analysis, Oxford.  Presently she is also President of the London Mathematical Society and a Vice-President of the International Mathematical Union.