Seminar: The existence of a symmetrized integral and an invariant of $G$-manifolds
Thời gian: 10:00 đến 12:00 Ngày 23/08/2024
Địa điểm: Phòng C101, VIASM, 157 phố Chùa Láng, Hà Nội
Báo cáo viên: Dr. Hà Ngọc Phú, Hung Vuong University
Abstract: In this talk we present the notion of a modified symmetrized integral on a $G$-coalgebra for $G$ a commutative group. This notion is related and inspired by the theory of modified traces and symmetrized integrals. We firstly show that modified symmetrized integrals exist in the general context of non-semisimple Hopf $G$-coalgebras. Then we give a purely Hopf $G$-coalgebra construction of $G$-colored $3$-manifolds invariants using the notion of modified symmetrized integral. We give an example in the case quantum sl(2).