Summer school on Galois representations and Reciprocity

Thời gian: 08:00:01/07/2024 đến 17:00:12/07/2024
Địa điểm: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam
The goal of the summer school is to introduce graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, young researchers, and interested mathematicians in Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and other countries in Asia, to the circle of ideas surrounding the Langlands reciprocity conjecture, including an introduction to automorphy lifting theorems, Galois representations and arithmetic aspects of the theory of modular forms.
The summer school in Hanoi is a component of a concentration period in number theory and will be followed by the Pan Asia Number Theory Conference (PANT) from July 15th to July 19th, 2024.
A virtual pre-school series of lectures on selected topics in Galois cohomology, modular forms, and class field theory will be organized in May to prepare the participants for the main topics of the summer school. Please click for details.
2. Expected participants:
The goal of the summer school is to introduce graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, young researchers, and interested mathematicians in Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and other countries in Asia, to the circle of ideas surrounding the Langlands reciprocity conjecture, including an introduction to automorphy lifting theorems, Galois representations and arithmetic aspects of the theory of modular forms.
3. Host and Co-host institution:
The summer school is organised by Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute.
4. Sponsors:
- Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM)
- Vietnam National Program for the Development of Mathematics 2021-2030 (NPDM)
- Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI)
- The Number Theory Foundation (NTF)
5. Organizing Committee:
- Bao Le Hung, Northwestern University, USA
- Bao Chau Ngo, University of Chicago, USA and VIASM
- Le Minh Ha, VIASM
- Tuan Ngo Dac, CNRS and University of Caen Normandy, France
6. Scientific Committee:
- Bao Le Hung, Northwestern University, USA
- Bao Chau Ngo, University of Chicago, USA and VIASM
- Tuan Ngo Dac, CNRS and University of Caen Normandy, France
7. Language: English
8. Deadline for registration and grant application: May 1, 2024.
9. Notification for selected participation and grant: May 21, 2024.
10. Contact :
11. Notes:
If you would like our assistance for your visa to Vietnam, please send a visa form (see more details at the Visa page) with the name “VisaRequest_your name” with a scan of the most important pages of your passport to email “”. (We CANNOT process your visa request without this information).