Thời gian: 08:00:01/08/2022 đến 15:30:05/08/2022
Địa điểm: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi, Vietnam
- Phan Thanh Nam (LMU Munich, Germany)
- Nguyen Trong Toan (Penn State University, USA)
Problem Session Instructor:
- Duong Giao Ky (An Giang University, Vietnam)
Link tham dự:
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Meeting ID: 995 4933 7703
Passcode: 855965
Description: The statistical mechanics of ideal Bose gases has been developed and well understood since the pioneer works of Bose and Einstein in 1924. Much less is known for interacting gases. The interaction between particles not only leads to new interesting physics, but also faces many mathematical challenges, leaving the question of understanding interacting gases and the emergence of the Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) widely open in quantum physics.
Our aim is to provide the physical background and mathematical foundation of interacting Bose gases. Specifically, the lectures will focus on the Gross–Pitaevskii (GP) equation which describes the Bose–Einstein condensate, as well as the rigorous derivation of the GP equation from basic laws of quantum mechanics. We will also address Bogoliubov’s theory of superfluidity, links to classical particles, and several open questions in the field.
In the long term perspective, we hope that the rich physics and the mathematical foundation provided will not only attract young researchers to the field, but also be useful for other problems in mathematical physics and quantum field theory.
Duration: There are 16 hours of lectures and 8 hours of exercises.
Language: English and Vietnamese. Lecture notes in English.
Participants: The course is suitable for advanced undergraduate, master/PhD students, as well as young researchers in Mathematics and Physics. There are several grants to cover travel and accommodation expenses for participants. The registration is free.
Deadline for registration: 01/07/2022
Deadline for application for financial support: 15/06/2022