Mini-course on waves in elastic media

Thời gian: 08:00 đến 17:00 Ngày 17/12/2024

Địa điểm: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) 157 Chua Lang Street, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi


The Mini-course will address several contemporary issues in wave propagation, such as nonlocal theories, ultrasonic waves in bone structures, waves in structures interacting with elastic foundations, and solid-liquid interaction in structures. The lectures aim to present new advancements in wave propagation in elastic media and to discuss key topics that are currently under focus and development in the field.

Organizing Committee

  • Lê Minh Hà, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics
  • Phạm Chí Vĩnh, VNU University of Science, Hanoi
  • Trần Thanh Tuấn, VNU University of Science, Hanoi

Language: English


Please register via link: Registration link 

Deadline for registration: December 15, 2024


Ms. Tran Thuy Linh:   

Dr. Tran Thanh Tuan: