Tóm tắt các bài giảng:
1. Professor Sir John Ball - University of Oxford
Tiêu đề: The mathematics of liquid crystals
Bản tóm tắt: Liquid crystals are nonlinear fluids whose constituent molecules have orientational, and possibly some positional, order. They are used in a wide range of applications including computer screens, televisions, instrument panels and signage. The lecture will review the main mathematical theories of liquid crystals, and some challenges involved in the description of liquid crystal defects.
2. Professor Ngô Bảo Châu - University of Chicago and VIASM
Tiêu đề: On singularities of arc spaces and non-archimedean local harmonic analysis
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This is a survey of recent works on singularities of certain arc spaces in connection with local L-factors and orbital integrals.
Bản tóm tắt:
Vincent Lafforgue gave a beautiful construction of one direction of the Langlands correspondence for function fields for any reductive group. Instead of using the trace formula he introduced geometric arguments inspired by the Satake isomorphism.
In the talk I will try to start by giving some background on the problem and to motivate briefly the geometric ingredients that appear. The main part of the talk will then explain some parts of Lafforgue's construction that also give a new proof for the correspondence for the group GL_n over function fields.
4. Professor Luc Nguyen - University of Oxford
Tiêu đề: Fine blow-up analysis for conformally invariant fully nonlinear elliptic equations
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