Mini-course on Quantum mechanics: A mathematical presentation

Thời gian: 08:00:22/04/2024 đến 12:00:23/04/2024
Địa điểm: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi
The objectives are to obtain the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg and the Schrodinger formulation of the quantum mechanics equation with or without an interaction potential, to construct the levels of energy of some classical atoms and to explain the general 1d result for one atom and for a periodic pattern of atoms. The wave function of a particle will be defined, its (scaled) Fourier transform yields the density probability of the momentum. These two definitions lead to the Heisenberg principle, and to an expression of the PDE that the wave function solves (without interaction potential). The Schrodinger equation with potential is deduced from a classical mechanics analogy on the total energy of an atom.
Expected participants: To all students and young researchers with basic knowledge on Partial Differential Equations, Sobolev Spaces and Functional Analysis.
Lecturer: Olivier Lafitte, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (Paris 13), France
Format: Hybrid (Zoom link will be available for participants from outside Hanoi)
Language: English
For registration, please click here.
Deadline for registration: April 15, 2024
Dr. Nguyen Tien Tai (VNU University of Science):