Public Lecture: Is lattice-based post-quantum cryptography secure?

Thời gian: 15:00 đến 17:00 Ngày 07/12/2023
Địa điểm: Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), 157 Chua Lang, Vietnam
Speaker: Neal Koblitz
Abstract: I’ll start by giving several reasons to doubt that large-scale quantum computing will arrive in the near future. Currently cryptosystems based on lattices are the leading candidates to replace factorization-based and elliptic-curve-based public key cryptography once quantum computing becomes a threat. I will describe how lattice-based cryptography works and what mathematical problems should be intractable in order for that type of cryptography to be secure. After explaining what mathematically “provable” security means, I will talk about several fallacies or gaps in the claims of provable security of lattice-based systems. I will conclude by mentioning an alternative approach (recently adopted by Google).
About Speaker: Neal Koblitz received his PhD in mathematics from Princeton in 1974, and, after 1½ years in Moscow and 3½ years at Harvard, went to the University of Washington in Seattle, where he has been since 1979. He works in number theory and cryptography, and is coinventor of Elliptic Curve Cryptography. He has written six books, along with numerous technical and nontechnical articles. In recent years his main research, in collaboration with Alfred Menezes, Palash Sarkar, and others, has been concrete analysis and criticism of “proofs of security” of cryptographic systems.
Koblitz has received the RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics (2009), the Eduard Rhein Foundation Technology Award (2020), and the Levchin Prize in Real World Cryptography (2021), and has been inducted into the Information Systems Security Association Hall of Fame (2019).
Koblitz has been making regular visits to Vietnam since 1978, and in recent years has been a frequent contributor to Tia Sáng.
Public Lecture: Is lattice-based post-quantum cryptography secure? ( download file )
Registration: Here
Deadline for registration: December 5, 2023