Summer school on Bayesian statistics and computation

Thời gian: 08:00:13/07/2023 đến 17:00:22/07/2023
Địa điểm: UEH Institute of Innovation, 232/6 Võ Thị Sáu Street, 3rd District, HCMC (School); and Workshop: Hall B1-302, Campus B, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street, District 10, HCMC (Workshop).
- Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM)
- University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH)
- To introduce researchers and advanced students in Vietnam to both modern and foundational topics in mathematical statistics and machine learning. This is achieved by having world-leading experts to come and teach on a well-designed sequence of lectures. Each lecturer will start from foundational concepts and be given time to go deeper into some topics of modern research.
- The mini conference will feature high quality talks from domestic and international researchers. It is expected that the participants, after taking the lectures, may start to be able to appreciate the technical talks given at the conference.
- To enhance the interactions between domestic students and researchers to the broader community of top-notch statistics and machine learning researchers through the lectures and mid-program activities. Domestic researchers interested in collaborative opportunities and students interested in graduate studies abroad will find such interactions useful.
Organizing Committee:
- Nguyễn Xuân Long, University of Michigan, Chair
- Le Minh Ha, VIASM, Co-chair
- Trần Thị Tuấn Anh, UEH, Co-chair
Program Committee:
- Nguyễn Xuân Long, University of Michigan
- Trần Thị Tuấn Anh, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
- Trịnh Quốc Anh, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- Ngô Hoàng Long, Hanoi National University of Education
- Trần Minh Ngọc, University of Sydney
- Tạ Công Sơn, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Language: English
Contact: Mrs Hai - 024 36232544, email: