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1. Prof. Mourad Baiou, CNRS, LIMOS

Short bio: MOURAD BAÏOU, is a Directeur de Recherche of the CNRS and he is currently the head of the Laboratoire of Computer Science LIMOS of Clermont Auvergne INP and the Université Clermont Auvergne. Before joining the CNRS, he taught at the engineering school Polytech’Clermont of the Université Clermont Auvergne, after stays at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Departamento de Ingenieria Matematica, Universidad de Chile, Santiago. His interests focus on combinatorial optimization, with a special penchant for the “polyhedral approach.” He works on stable solutions and their generalizations, on the optimal design of reliable networks, on facility location—p-median problems and on algorithmic game theory. He published on top level journals and conferences on computer science and combinatorial optimization such as Mathematics of Operations Research, Siam Journal on discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Programming, Algorithmica, Theoretical Computer Science, Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization conference, Discrete Mathematics, …

2. Prof. Nguyen Viet Hung, Clermont Auvergne University, France

Short bio: Viet Hung Nguyen is a former student of Vietnam National University in Hanoi.  He earned his PhD degree from Aix-Marseille University and has served as Associate Professor at Sorbonne University until 2019.  Viet Hung Nguyen is now a full professor in Computer Science at Clermont Auvergne University. His research interest is primarily Combinatorial Optimization in many aspects such as exact and approximation algorithms based on mixed integer programming, robust and stochastic, fair and multiobjective optimization, applications in network and logistic, … He has published nearly 50 journal and conference papers and served as PC member of several top conferences in the area of combinatorial optimization.

3. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Van Hop, International University, Vietnam

Short bio: Nguyen Van Hop currently is an associate professor in industrial systems engineering and Dean of the School of Industrial Engineering and Management, International University, VNU-HCM. Dr.Hop does research in Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization, Supply Chain and e-Supply Chain Problems, Optimization for Manufacturing Systems. Dr.Hop has 60+ referred publications (h-index:14) in the leading journals and conferences such as IEEE Transactions on SMC, Information Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Production Planning and Control, Expert Systems with Applications, etc. He also serves as a reviewer for many leading journals such as International Journal of Production Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, etc. Recently, he was offered the Outstanding Professor Award from Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society International, 2021 and Outstanding Researcher of the Academic Year 2021-2022 from VNU-HCM. Besides, Dr. Hop had also been working for a long time in industry. He had served for various multinational companies in Vietnam at different senior positions such as Project Manager, Supply Chain Director, General Director, Country Director.

4. Dr. Hà Thị Xuân Chi , International University, Vietnam

Short bio: Dr. Ha Thi Xuan Chi is the Vice Dean of the School of Industrial Engineering and Management at International University – VNU HCMC, Vietnam. She received her PhD from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2014. Her main research interests include Fuzzy Theory, MCDM, VRP, Business Analytics, and Product Design.