Lê Tuấn Hoa
Giám đốc Điều hành (01/06/2011 - 18/10/2013)
Nơi công tác: Viện toán học - Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
Vị trí tại Viện: Giám đốc Điều hành
Điện thoại:
Email: lthoa AT math.ac.vn
Phòng làm việc: B304
Máy lẻ: 168
- Nghiên cứu sinh đã bảo vệ: N. Allsop (ĐHTH Masey, New Zealand), Trần Nam Trung (Viện Toán học), Đào Thanh Hà (ĐH Vinh).
- Các lĩnh vực quan tâm: Đại số giao hoán, Hình học Đại số, Tổ hợp
1. With N. V. Trung: Affine semigroups and Cohen-Macaulay rings generated by monomials. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 298(1986), 145-167.
2. . Classification of the triple projections of Veronese varieties. Math. Nachr. 128(1986), 185-197.
3. With P. D. Dieu and L. C. Thanh: Average polynomial time complexity of some NP-complete problems. Theor. Comput. Sci.46(1986), 219-237.
4. On Segre products of affine semigroup rings. Nagoya Math. J. 110(1988), 113-128.
5. Algorithmetical aspects of the problem of classifying multi-projections of Veronese varieties. Manuscipta Math. 63(1989), 317-331.
6. With M. Fiorentini: On monomial k-Buchsbaum curves in $P^r$. Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez. VII, Sc. Mat. 36(1990), 159-174.
7. The Gorenstein property depends upon characteristic for affine semigroup rings. Arch. Math. 56(1991), 228-235.
8. With J. Stückrad and W. Vogel: Towards a structure theory for projective varieties of degree = codimension + 2. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 71(1991), 203-231.
9. A note on projective monomial surfaces. Math. Nachr. 154(1991), 183-188.
10. On monomial k-Buchsbaum curves in $P^3$. Manuscripta Math. 73(1991), 423-436.
11. With R. Fröberg: Segre products and Rees algebras of face rings. Comm. Algebra 20(1992), 3369-3380.
12. On minimal free resolutions of projective varieties of degree = codimension + 2. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 87(1993), 241-250.
13. Koszul homology and generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules. Acta Math. Vietnamica. 18(1993), 91-98.
14. On reduction numbers and Rees algebras of powers of an ideal. Proc.Amer. Math. Soc. 119(1993), 415-422.
15. With R. M. Miro-Roig and W. Vogel: On numerical invariants of locally Cohen-Macaulay schemes in $P^n$. Hiroshima math. J. 24(1994), 299-316.
16. With W. Vogel: Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and hyperplane sections. J. Algebra. 163(1994), 348-365.
17. With M. Fiorentini: Some remarks on generalized Cohen-Macaulay rings. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 1(1994), 507-519.
18. With H. Bresinsky, F. Curtis and M. Fiorentini: On the structure of local cohomology modules for projective monomial curves in $P^3$. Nagoya Math. J. 136(1994), 81-114.
19. With S. Zarzuela: Reduction numbers and $a$-invariants of good filtrations. Comm. Algebra. 22(1994), 5635-5656.
20. With C. Miyazaki: Bounds on Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for generalized Cohen-Macaulay graded rings. Math. Ann.301(1995), 587-598.
21. Bounds for the number of generators of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals. J. Algebra 178(1995), 302-316.
22. With R. M. Miro-Roig: Bounds for the Betti numbers of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.123(1995), 2397-2405.
23. A note on the Hilbert-Samuel function in a two-dimensional local ring. Acta Math. Vietnamica. 21(1996), 335-347.
24. Reduction numbers of equimultiple ideals. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 109(1996), 111-126.
25. Postulation number of good filtrations. Comm. Algebra 25(1997), 1961-1974.
26. With N. V. Trung: On the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and the arithmetic degree of monomial ideals. Math. Z. 229(1998), 519-537.
27. Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and defining equations of a locally Cohen-Macaulay algebra. Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, and Computational Methods (Ed.: D. Eisenbud) , Springer 1999, pp. 301 – 313.
28. With H. Bresinsky: On the reduction number of some graded algebras. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127(1999), 1257 – 1263.
29. With H. Bresinsky: Minimal generating sets for a family of monomial curves in A4. Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (ed. F. Van Oystaeyen), Lect. Notes in pure appl. Math. V. 206(1999), pp. 5 – 14
30. With H. Allsop: On quotient between length and multiplicity, Comm. Algebra 28 (2000), 815-828
31. With H. Bresinsky: On hereditary problems between I and in(I), Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 26(2001), 219-230.
32. With J. Herzog and N.V. Trung, Asymptotic linear bounds for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.354(2002), 1793-1809.
33. Asymptotic behavior of reduction numbers, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 3151-3158.
34. Computer Algebra: Groebner bases, 290 pages, VNU Hanoi 2003 (in Vietnamese).
35. With J. Stückrad, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of simplicial toric rings, J. Algebra 259 (2003), 127-146
36. With Eero Hyry, On local cohomology and Hilbert function of powers of ideals, manuscripta math. 112(2003), 77-92
37. With N.V. Trung, Borel-fixed ideals and reduction number, J. Algebra 270 (2003), 335-346.
38. With H. Bresinsky, the k-Buchsbaum property for polynomial ideals, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 43 (2003), 699-717.
39. With Eero Hyry, Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of initial ideals, J. Symb. Computation, 38 (2004), 1327-1341.
40. Some computational problems in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, In: “Proceedings of VI-th Vietnamese Mathematical Conference (Eds: H.H. Khoai, D.T. Thi and D.L. Van), VNU 2005, pp. 33-58.
41. Linear Algebra: Examples and problems, 448 ppages, VNU Hanoi, 2006 (in Vietnamese).
42. With E. Hyry, Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of canonical and deficiency modules, J. Algebra, 305 (2006), 877-900.
43. Stability of associated primes of monomial ideals, Vietnam. J. Math. 34(2006), 473-487.
44. With T. N. Trung, Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of sums of powers of polynomial ideals, Comm. Algebra 36(2008), 806-820.
45. With D. T. Ha, Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of some modules, Comm. Algebra 36(2008), 992-1004.
46. Finiteness of Hilbert functions and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of initial ideals, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360(2008), 4519-4540.
47. With. M. Hellus and J. Stückrad, Grobner bases of simplicial toric ideals, Nagoya Math. J. 196 (2009), 1-19.
48. With. M. Hellus and J. Stückrad, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and reduction number of some monomial curves, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138(2010), 27-35.
49. With T.N. Trung, Partial Castelnuovo-Mumford regularities of sums and intersections of monomial ideals, Math. Proc. Cambridge Soc. 149 (2010), 229-246.
50. With N. D. Tam, On some invariants of a mixed product of ideals, Arch. Math. 94 (2010), 327-337.
51. With D. H. Giang, On local cohomology of a tetrahedral curve, Acta Math. Vietnam. 35 (2010), 229-241.
52. With M. Chardin and D.T. Ha, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of Ext modules and homological degree, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 3439-3456.
53. With M. Morales, Non-linear behaviour of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, J. Algebra 356 (2012), 207-215.
54. With L.X. Dung, Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of associated graded modules and fiber cones of filtered modules,Comm. Algebra (to appear).