The school on Lattice Signatures

The school on Lattice Signatures was organized by the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) from June 25 to June 29. The lectures was delivered by Dr. Medhi Tibouchi, a world renowned researcher in cryptographer.


Digital signatures are widely used nowadays in many countries, mainly for software distribution and financial transactions. Lattices have been becoming an important tool to construct efficient digital signature schemes that are secure even against quantum computers. Therefore constructing lattice signature schemes are  attracting a lot of attention from many governmental organizations, research institutes and companies all over the world. The lectures in the school presented some basic notions on construction of digital signature schemes, specially some current most efficient lattice signatures. The lectures also introduced the current attacks against lattice signatures and how to evaluate security and choose secure parameters for practical applications. The school attracted … applicants and after two rounds of selection, … were chosen for participation and .. were fully supported for travels and local expenses during the school. This is one of the continued events in Mathematics and Cryptography since the Autumn School IACR-SEAMS School “Cryptography: Foundations and New Directions” organized by VIASM and VNU-HUS in November 2016. We hope after those events, the cryptographic research community in Vietnam will be expanded.